TOMY introduces NARUTO Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, an exciting new installment to the top-rated, Wii-exclusive fighting game series. Based on the hit animated show from Viz Media, the game features more than 35 characters with the new grown-up look of the NARUTO Shippuden cast and follows the storyline of the much-loved series. The hit fighting game series delivers again with new and improved gameplay mechanics and a plethora of gameplay modes and options including for the first time, Wi-Fi multiplayer functionality.
- The first next-gen NARUTO Shippuden title featuring all new content and storyline, exclusive for Nintendo Wii
- More than 35 playable characters, many upgraded with a new Shippuden look and unique abilities, including character-specific jutsu moves
- Featuring Wi-Fi multiplayer gameplay functionality
- A high quality fighting game with tons of content and replay value, including 40 3D environments to choose from
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